special exhibitions

Imperfection Beauty

Date : 22 May 2024 - 23 June 2024
Location: Special project’s BACC pop•up, People’s Gallery P2 - P3 Room, 3rd Fl., MMAD, MunMun Srinakarin
By Panupong Kongyen
Selected by: Special project’s BACC pop・up
Principle supporter: Seacon Development Co., Ltd.
Media Partner: GroundControl

Beauty and ugliness are qualities of various things, whether tangible or intangible. They can be perceived and not perceived. Whether it's people, animals, objects, or thoughts that arise from experiences, they all contribute to satisfaction with that particular story. We can perceive that some things are beautiful from colors, shapes, and proportions that please us, which is an experience that has occurred in humans for millions of years. The concept of beauty changes over time, evolving with trends and the preferences of each culture. Therefore, I would like to present a series of paintings that reflect these narratives. The effort to make completeness out of imperfection is drawn from experiences that evoke various feelings such as anxiety, excitement, or many events that require us to make urgent decisions, accept and appreciate, and embrace complexity. I want to show the beauty in imperfection, drawn from personal experiences encountered in everyday events, which has inspired me to create this series of paintings.
The dimension of beauty that is behind somewhere, does not serve something. If beauty is made from invisible to the phenomenon. But it followed up to an experience. All the “World of painting” is linked to the past, an experience, and personal knowledge. However, beauty still appears anywhere and anytime.
About Artist
 Panupong Kongyen is currently an art teacher at Sarasas Ektra School. He holds a bachelor's and master's degree in Fine Arts, specializing in Visual Arts, from the Faculty of Painting, Sculpture, and Graphic Arts, Silpakorn University. He has exhibited his artworks in various exhibitions, such as the Art Thesis Exhibition 2014 "Still Alive" for his Master of Fine Arts (Visual Arts) degree at Silpakorn University, Thailand, the "Khum Sorn Pho" Exhibition at the Ratchadamnoen Contemporary Art Center (RCAC BKK) in Bangkok, Thailand, and the "The Object" Exhibition at the People Gallery, Bangkok Art and Culture Center, Bangkok, Thailand.
For more information, please contact
Panupong Kongyen
Mobile 097-2096485



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