


Date : 13 October 2016 - 16 October 2016
Location: Studio, 4th floor and other spaces at Bangkok Art and Culture Centre
Co-organize : Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, ASIATOPIA, Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Printmaking, SU 
In Co-Operation with : Live Art and Performance Studies (LAPS), Theatre Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland; ASA-European, Koln, Germany; Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (TCEB), Sea-Junction, Bangkok 
Opening ceremony on 13 October 2016 at18.00hrs.atStudio, 4th floor, Bangkok Art and Culture Centre
Talk byProf. Dr. Apinan Poshyananda on Contemporary Performing Art in South East Asia
Contemporary Shadow Puppets Collaboration by VasanSitthiket (Thailand), HeriDono (Indonesia), Jeremy Hiah(Singapore)

Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, ASIATOPIAand the Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Art, Silpakorn University proudly presentASIATOPIA Performance Conference S.E. Asia 2016. This year conference marks the 10th Anniversary of seminars and live performances by South East Asia and international artists and academics including Germany, Finland, USA and Japan. ASIATOPIA Performance Conference S.E. Asia 2016 aims to document historical data and insight on South East Asian performing artin order to promote and raise awareness of this particular art in the region as well as foster relationship and build up networking between the artists in South East Asia and all around the world. This is also the first time that there will be artists fromLao People's Democratic Republic participating the event.
Programme Directors: ChumponApisuk Ray Langenbachand Boris Nieslony
14 – 16 October 2016 at Studio, 4th floor, Bangkok Art and Culture Centre 
10.00 – 16.30 hrs. Seminars on;
Regional Inheritances and the Historical Context
Taboo, Censorship and Curating: Struggles Over Historical Narratives in SE Asia
The Politics of Identity: Roundtable; Women and Gender in SE Asia
The Plurality of Differences –Queering Performance Art
13.00 – 20.30 hrs. Performances by international artists
For more information Tel.085 150 3048 and Email: [email protected]
Note:On 17 – 19 October 2016, the activities will take place at the Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Art, Silpakorn University (Sanam Chandra Palace Campus)



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